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Translate. Discover. Learn.

Discover millions of words and expressions, and communicate fluently. Reverso Context combines AI-powered translation tools with intuitive learning features to help you master a foreign language in no time.

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200,000+ reviews
Reverso Context: the search engine for translations in context

The Best Translation App ever!

Morgan S.(Montreal)

More than just a translation app!
Reverso is ready to answer all your linguistic needs in any given context.
Voice translation
Search by speaking, to avoid spelling mistakes in complex words and languages with different writing systems.
Camera translation
Use your phone camera to scan any text you see, and translate instantly.
Offline dictionaries
Download dictionaries and use them without Internet connection.
Create your Phrasebook
Save newly discovered words to your Favourites and access your personalised vocabulary list anywhere anytime.
Practice pronunciation
Listen to pronunciation of words or entire sentences with native accents.
Learn with fun quizzes
Learn new words and expressions with flashcards and quizzes based on your searches and favorites.
16+ languages supported
Download now, it's free!